Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Essay about The Benefits of Medical Marijuana - 2160 Words
INTRODUCTION Marijuana, also known as weed, hemp, cannabis, pot, herb, grass, etc., is the most common illegal drug in the United States. Marijuana is also known to be a gateway drug because it can lead people to do more serious drugs. Marijuana is a dried plant often smoked like a cigarette or in a bong or pipe. A common argument today is why marijuana should be legalized for medicinal purposes. Although some will claim marijuana should not be legalized for medicinal purposes because it has harmful effects and is a gateway drug, I feel that it should be legalized. Marijuana should be legalized for medicinal purposes because it has many positive effects on diseases and health conditions. Marijuana should also be legalized for†¦show more content†¦There is also a spray to put under the tongue called Sativex. (p. 16). Oftentimes people will not want to smoke the marijuana because of the harmful effects it has on the lungs from the inhalation. That is why other options such as the pills, spray, food and a vaporization device have been developed. With the different options come different absorption rates. Finkel (2007) said when marijuana is smoked it will go into the lungs and bloodstream, which is then distributed throughout the body. When marijuana is ingested, it takes one to three hours to attain the maximum THC blood levels and the effects are much slower. (p.82). Using the Sativex spray under the tongue will allow for quick absorption into the blood stream. (Wilson, 2005, p.39). Legalizing marijuana for medicinal purposes will take away from so many people using the drug illegally as a recreational drug. This is very significant in today’s society because of treatment benefits it could have on so many people if it was legalized throughout the states. If the government keeps seeing the benefits, the legalization of medicinal marijuana could happen in years to come, especially with new technology that could make things better. Even though medicinal marijuana has harmful effects, marijuana should be legalized for medicinal purposes because medicinal marijuana is less toxic than other prescribed drugs and marijuana has many positive effects on disease and healthShow MoreRelatedMedical Benefits Of Medical Marijuana1161 Words  | 5 Pagessurrounding the issue of whether medical marijuana ought to be legally sanctioned as a medicinal treatment. Medical marijuana involves the use of cannabis and its constituent’s cannabinoids in order to treat a disease or its symptoms (National Institute on Drug Abuse 2015). Numerous studies led declare the drug a miracle treatment for a variety of medical issues. These studies, however, are limited and effectively challenged by different studies that exhibit the health risks marijuana can have on the humanRead MoreMedical Benefits Of Medical Marijuana1255 Words  | 6 PagesMedical marijuana has been proven to an effective drug in the treatment of a number of enc umbering medical conditions. A large number of legitimate medical organizations recognize the benefits of marijuana. It is far less harmful and poses fewer negative side effects than many prescription drugs, including painkillers - and patients often find it to be a more effective treatment for a variety of illnesses. However, it is perhaps the most commonly misunderstood substance in America. The usage of theRead MoreThe Benefits Of Medical Marijuana1598 Words  | 7 PagesThe Benefits Medical Marijuana By: Nicole Wynne Advance Placement Psychology Mr. Cuetara June 4th, 2015 Marijuana Outline I) Intro: a.) History and facts that make up marijuana b.) Thesis: Through numerous articles, books, documentaries, and journals, I have concluded that marijuana has positive creative effects and numerous medical ben-efits, including increased appetite, pain reduction, nausea reduction, and hard drug substitution II) Positive Medical Benefits:Read MoreThe Benefits of Medical Marijuana729 Words  | 3 PagesMedical marijuana has been used for centuries to combat pain, weakness, anxiety, insomnia, female problems and nausea. Today it is commonly used by cancer and AIDS patients to stimulate hunger, combat nausea and vomiting induced by chemotherapy or other drug therapy and reduce pain. It has also been shown to be effective in reducing eye pressure, especially in the cases with glaucoma. Medical marijuana, or cannabis, is derived from the Cannabis sativa plant and there is some evidence of cannabisRead MoreMedical Marijuana And Its Benefits2240 Words  | 9 Pages1 MEDICAL MARIJUANA Medical Marijuana and Its Benefits Steffany Brinker University of Maryland University College Abstract Medical marijuana, also known as cannabis, is a controversial topic because many find it beneficial as others find the usage to be recreational. Throughout the years, medical marijuana has gone through periods of times in which it was legal and illegal. Over the years laws have been developed in order to try and regulate the usage of the drug. Studies have shownRead MoreThe Benefits Of Medical Marijuana Essay2136 Words  | 9 PagesI will discuss the many benefits of medical marijuana, and how a substance that is labeled as an illegal drug can have just as many health benefits as the strongest of medicine. With marijuana becoming more accessible being legalized for medical and/or recreational use in 7 states, I will explain how if used properly can help many people suffering with serious problems like muscle pain, depression, anorexia insomnia and PTSD. But still there is the stereotype that marijuana is a dangerous recreationalRead MoreBenefits of Medical Marijuana Essay990 Words  | 4 Pages Legalizing Marijuana Marijuana is a very controversial and obtrusive issue in our society today. Although many have made malicious remarks about it in the past, and even still in the present, the truth and beneficial facts of marijuana are finally resurfacing. Unfortunately, our society has become a very critical crowd towards the legalization of marijuana due to the stereotypical view of the kind of people who are considered â€Å"pot smokers†. This contorted perception of a lazy and unmotivated AmericaRead MoreEssay on The Benefits Of Medical Marijuana929 Words  | 4 PagesThe Benefits Of Medical Marijuana Are you sick of hearing your girlfriend nagging you about letting go of your pot pasttime? Have you been hearing a lot of negative things about the use of marijuana lately? Would you like to know what the real deal is behind the use of this infamous drug? Then read on because youre in for a surprise. One of the saddest things in North America is the lack of clinical trials on marijuana use. Many other countries in the world have already performed such testsRead More The Benefits of Medical Marijuana Essay1130 Words  | 5 Pageseffects than its other legal counterparts such as alcohol and tobacco. This kind of information calls into sharper focus the question on the minds of many as to why such a plant that is not only less harmful than legal drugs but has significant health benefits has remained illegal. People all over the world, continue to be tendered prescription medication, which in many cases further complicate health issues with its myriad of side effects. In fact, statistics have shown that approximately 100,000Read MoreThe Benefits Of Medical And Recreational Marijuana1740 Words  | 7 PagesPark Hegeler The Benefits of Marijuana The question of whether or not to legalize the medicinal and recreational use of marijuana has been an ongoing debate ever since President Nixon declared the war on drugs in 1971. The main question that circulates this debate is, do the benefits of medical and recreational marijuana justify its legality? Marijuana is one of the only drugs that has numerous medicinal properties that can do everything from managing chemotherapy side effects, to putting an
Monday, December 23, 2019
The Introverts Survival Rules of Engagement - 1309 Words
The Introverts Survival: Rules of Engagement Combat fishing is a social opportunity for the extroverted angler and an exercise in frustration and tolerance for the introverted angler. The simple truth is that introverts are profound thinkers. All external stimulation that disrupts our train of thought is considered an unwelcomed intrusion, and without a doubt that assuredly includes people with no more on their minds than idle chit chat or mindless gossip. Sadly America is a nation dominated by extroverts who are affable, personable, team players with aesthetically pleasing smiles (approachable) that are highly sought after attributes in the career arena. The introverts suffers by comparison because we are misunderstood and mislabeled†¦show more content†¦The reason I can still recall his name is because he was annoying. Combat fishing was very irritating to me. Instead of being relaxed and enjoying the aesthetics of Alaska’s vistas, I was anticipating the code words â€Å"fish on,†which was my cue to quickly reel in my line, and back away from the angler who shouted the code. â€Å"Fish on†means a fish is hooked and other anglers in the vicinity need to clear the shallow waters and shoreline to give him room to fight, and land his prey. After two days of twelve hour â€Å"combat fishing,†my son and I needed a break from the masses, and opted for a whale watching cruise to retreat and recharge. What is a retreat? â€Å"A retreat is a backing away, a withdrawal, an experience in the realm of yin, an act of introversion†(Helgoe 99). Introverts are not afraid of being alone or retreating because we understand that solitude is generative. We prefer to take problems and work on them in isolation. We are different, different from extroverts. We’re not big on study groups or committees, or gang bang fishing, and most of us do very well on our own. When people do embark on a journey of self-awareness and discover that they are indeed introverts, why do some feel obligated to apologize? Isn’t this perpetuating the negative adjectives that introverts are mislabeled with now? Why apologize for being true to your nature? If a person truly understands who they are, (their attributes, as well as the aspects of themselves thatShow MoreRelatedDevelopment Of A Middle School Girl Essay2013 Words  | 9 PagesCarl Jung’s version psychoanalytic theory describes that people’s emotional responses are influenced by past experiences and future ambitions. Furthermore, this approach follows the notion that people can be categorized into two personality types, introverts, and extroverts, depending on the manner they express their feelings and thoughts. During the observation, it was noted that Katie could be considered an extrovert as she demonstrated the will to express her emotions with ease. At one moment, KatieRead Mor eReality Is Broken Summary14202 Words  | 57 Pagesemotions the most successful games carefully provoke and how these emotions effect our real lives and relationships. Chapter 1: What exactly is a game? Four defining traits of a game: 1. The goal: provides players a sense of purpose; 2. The rules: unleash creativity and foster strategic thinking; 3. The feedback system: serves as a promise to the players that the goal is definitely achievable and it provides a motivation to keep playing; 4. Voluntary participation: ensures that intentionallyRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesDefining Motivation 202 Early Theories of Motivation 203 Hierarchy of Needs Theory 203 †¢ Theory X and Theory Y 205 †¢ Two-Factor Theory 205 †¢ McClelland’s Theory of Needs 207 Contemporary Theories of Motivation 208 Self-Determination Theory 208 †¢ Job Engagement 211 †¢ Goal-Setting Theory 212 †¢ Self-Efficacy Theory 215 †¢ Reinforcement Theory 218 †¢ Equity Theory/Organizational Justice 219 †¢ Expectancy Theory 224 Integrating Contemporary Theories of Motivation 226 Summary and Implications for Managers 228 Read MorePlenary Session69346 Words  | 278 Pagesa practical sort of person b. a fanciful sort of person 38. Are you more likely to: a. see how others are useful b. see how others see 39. Which is more satisfying: a. to di scuss an issue thoroughly b. to arrive at agreement on an issue 40. Which rules you more: a. your head b. your heart 41. Are you more comfortable with work that is: a. contracted b. done on a casual basis 42. Do you tend to look for: a. the orderly b. whatever turns up 43. Do you prefer: a. many friends with brief contact bRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words  | 862 Pageschief executive officers (CEOs) and management leaders in all markets and industries with new intricacies in deciding how to weigh and time the business decisionsâ€â€and the quality of those decisionsâ€â€that increasingly challenge their companies’ basic survival. W HICH FACTORS HAVE DRIVEN 3 4 Feigenbaum−Feigenbaum: The Power of Management Capitol 1. New Management for Business Growth in a Demanding Economy Text  © The McGraw−Hill Companies, 2004 4 THE POWER OF MANAGEMENT CAPITAL Read MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 PagesBrewing? 66 Determining Potential Discriminatory Practices 66 The 4/5ths Rule 66 Restricted Policy 66 Geographical Comparisons 67 McDonnell-Douglas Test 67 Responding to an EEO Charge 67 Business Necessity 68 Bona Fide Occupational Qualifications 68 Seniority Systems 68 Selected Relevant Supreme Court Cases 69 Cases Concerning Discrimination 69 Cases Concerning Reverse Discrimination 71 ETHICAL ISSUES IN HRM: English-Only Rules 72 Enforcing Equal Opportunity Employment 72 The Role of the EEOC 72
Sunday, December 15, 2019
The Machine Gunners Part Two †Wolf Invasion Free Essays
‘Come back alive major, you are our best pilot. Do Germany proud’. Hitler saluted General Wolf Schmidt. We will write a custom essay sample on The Machine Gunners Part Two – Wolf Invasion or any similar topic only for you Order Now ‘Yes sir. Those British dogs will never know what hit them. They will pay for not accepting Nazi rule’. Wolf came from a wealthy family from Berlin. His dad owned a really important wine company. Wolf was bought up like a stubborn rich kid. He had graduated from Witshaufen Cadet School (one of the toughest army training schools in the world). He was also the best pupil in the history of the school. At the school, he never messed around with ‘riff raff’. He never went back home after that. He stayed and became one of the soldiers at the school, as it also was a military base. He was always either training or was out on a mission. The general’s reaction time was amazing. It was beyond normal human levels. Wolf also had a wife and a kid. He didn’t really care too much about his wife but thought the world of his son (he is his only weakness). To him his wife was only there to produce him a male heir to all his money and land (kind of like in medieval times). His son’s heart wasn’t stained with blood as his was. He was a sweet little boy and Wolf kept him away from the army and any type of fighting. He never really saw much of him anyway, enough to have the kid’s respect though. Hitler and Wolf were like brothers. They both felt the same way about people. They both had the same ideas and they both wanted power. ‘So long my friend’. Wolf ran to his fighter and climbed in. There were seven planes in the squadron (one person per plane) and wolf was squadron leader. His squadron also was fresh from the military school and this was their first proper mission. Wolf decided on saluting Hitler one more time. After about three minutes they were given the all clear, so they made there way to the runway. ‘Lets go destroy those English b*******’. Once they were at a decent altitude the squadron got into formation (a flying V). Wolf was at the front and middle. After about an hour or so Wolf saw the British coast. This island will soon be part of the German empire. They shall all suffer. Suddenly a stream of bullets came out of nowhere. Wolf quickly pulled his plane away from the bullets and before he knew it, he was in a vertical rise. Somehow he managed to pull out of it before it was too late. His fighter was not meant to go too high; the pressure would have made it explode. He looked around the surroundings but he could not find what shot the bullets. Next he checked his squadron. One plane was missing. Bruno! The fool! He was never too good at dodging. I was then informed that the remains of his plane were just off the coast. Great, just great (!?). Even if he managed to bail out of his plane he could not survive, he cannot swim. ‘Come on men. Never lose your concentration. There’s someone out there and we cannot see who it is and neither can our radar. Our country needs us. We shall reach our destination in 10 minutes’ Wolf informed the remaining pilots. ‘Sir, I see a group of Spitfires on the radar at a bearing of 340o at a range of 36 km and closing. They’ve spotted us general’. Wolf was actually pleased. He was a very strict soldier and always did what he was required to do. Although Wolf’s heart was evil, he always believed in fair fights. Each battle he was into him was only a fight of superiority. He was always looking for someone better than him and was still yet to find one. ‘Yes, I see them. Prepare yourself boys. This is what you’ve been trained to do now do it. Let’s avenge Bruno! Get into battle formation’. The Spitfires were now visible with the eye and so the battle began. Wolf recognised the leader of the other squadron and decided to take him out first. It looked like the other leader was going to do that anyway so both fighters flew towards each other. Wolf now began to fire the machine gun at him, but somehow he managed to dodge it. After that he did not have another chance to fire, as both ships were too close to each other. The general decided on flying past him instead and began to turn around. He then heard an explosion. ‘S***. We’ve lost Peter. Focus boys focus!’ he exclaimed. Next he saw that the British planes were teaming up on one of his guys. ‘Cowards!’ he thought. There was nothing more that he couldn’t stand (apart from Jews and other ‘weak people’) apart from an unfair battle while in fighter planes. As quick as a dart he made his way to them and took out the two Spitfires. That kill distracted his other pilots. The British noticed that to and before Wolf knew it there were four other explosions filled with the thoughts and flesh of the brave soldiers that died. Wolf wasn’t affected as much as a normal human would be when they saw the death of their partners. All that was going through his mind was that he should keep his judgement clear and then he realised what to do. Why should he play by the rules if no one else would? He then fired a missile at a Spitfire and began to fly toward another. He made sure that he was going at full speed and then he ejected. As he was falling he saw two explosions. One of a missile and a Spitfire and another of his plane and another Spitfire. It was too early to parachute and he was closing in on the ground at an alarming rate. He had no choice but to use the parachute. It saved his life. He still hit the ground hard but he kept his life. He then stood up and said, ‘I am German. I will be ok, right after thi s quick nap’. Wolf then fell onto the ground and fainted. Wolf woke up stiff and cold. It looked as if it was the night. He could not feel a bone in his body. He had to inform everyone that he was still alive and that they should come and pick him up. He couldn’t do anything sitting down so it only made sense to stand up. Once he stood up he realised that he had dislocated his ankle. It hurted too much and if he moved it would just get worse. There was nothing else he could do but just fall back to sleep, as calling for help would mean surrendering. He woke up next morning noticing that he was hungry. It felt like ages since he last had food. Somehow he had to get up and find some, but how. Then he realised what he could do. He reached down for his bad ankle and somehow he pushed it back into place. The noise it made would make someone sick. ‘That feels a lot better’ Wolf told himself. Now to look for food. It turned out that he was lucky as he landed on a farm and that there was food virtually everywhere and while he got his strength back he could hide in the cornfields so nobody could see him. A week passed and Wolf was feeling a lot better. He was completely used to everything but there were two things that were still bothering him and both were to do with water. The lack of drinking water (he was beginning to run low on his emergency water) and that he really needed a shower. One morning Wolf decided that it was time he must go. He must begin his trip back to Germany now; if he came back any later they might accuse him of spying for England. First he must go to the nearest town and get some basic needs. Only then can he go back. Wolf checked in his map to find out which town was the nearest, Garmath. ‘Prepare to face the oblivion Garmath, prepare’ he said. It took him ten minutes to get to the town of Garmath. He looked around to see anything that could be of use to him and then he saw it, the local shop. He entered the shop casually, closed the door and made his way to the counter. Everyone in the shop (about three people) were looking at him, must have been the odour that was with him. He the pulled out his silenced Lugar (his gun) and shot the cashier. Because of the silencer on the end of his gun, it did not make that that much noise, but enough to get the attention of everyone else in the shop. He was forced to shoot them too, if he did not they would call for help. Someone in the shop had a rucksack on. It would be useful so he emptied it out and filled it with some of the contents of the shop. After that he took all the money out of the shop’s till and from the customers. He had no idea how much money it would cost to hire a boat. He then hid his gun and casually made his way out of the shop feeling great about himself. Now he had to look around, get familiar with the town and try to find the port. Surely this town must have one. While he was looking around he found a massive house. Actually, it was a destroyed by a bomb, massive house. A perfect hiding place. It looked like nobody was using the place so no one could possibly find him there. He went in to the grounds and dumped his stuff somewhere in the ruins where no one in the street could see. Then he saw a boy running towards the other side of the grounds. He must have spotted me. I must kill him! Wolf ran as fast as he could towards the boy. While he was running Wolf saw what looked like a disguised bomb shelter. The kid was fast; there was no way Wolf could catch up with him before the kid got to the shelter. Ten seconds later Wolf was running into the shelter but it was probably something that he should not have done. ‘Quick! It’s a Jerrie!’ The same kid quickly dived for a machine gun. What the hell was going on? Since when did the British give their children German machine guns? Wolf decided on putting his arms up. He did not want his brains blasted out of his skull; his country still needed him. ‘Unarm him’ the boy said. He must be the leader of this gang. His gun and army knives were taken from him. Then he realised how stupid he had been, as the machine gun was not cocked. Thirteen year olds had outsmarted him. There were five boys and one girl there. The girl looked as if she acted like a boy, but at the moment she was behaving a like a girl (perhaps she had split personality?). ‘Chas, he looks tired, maybe we should let him sit down’ the girl said. So that’s what the gang leader’s name is. ‘And perhaps I could give him something to eat too. He looks as if he hasn’t had a decent thing for a month’. ‘Girls’ all the boys apart from the big one said at once. Perhaps she is their maid. If she is then why is she wearing the clothing of a middle class girl? I must escape from here. It was almost as if the big kid could read my mind as he walked to the door and blocked it. ‘Alright, let him sit and eat, Audrey’ Chas said. Another name I have found out. The big guy pointed the gun at me to make sure that I did not act ‘smart’. He cannot fire the gun in here. If he did the bullet will work like a pinball and we will all be killed. I cannot let that happen. The girl then gave me some soup. It has been ages since I had some warm food. I must warn them not to shoot the Lugar! ‘Please, do not shoot. The bullet will work as pinball’ I informed them in a German accent. ‘We do not care. I will not miss if I do shoot’ the big guy said. ‘Please put the gun away Clogger. It’s not as if he can do anything anyway’ a small guy said. WHAT! This cannot be right. He looks exactly like Ralph, my son. The resemblance is amazing. There is one difference however. This boy looks as if he has no one for him in this world. He does not look as confident as Ralph and looks weaker, both mentally and physically. How could this be? The odds against this happening are at least thirty billion to one if not an even lower possibility. Thinking about it was hurting my head. I had to somehow prevent these kids tell adults about me. First I have to make peace with them. ‘My name is Wolf. Wolf Schmidt. I come from Germany. My plane exploded a little while ago and I have been living in field since. I wish to get back to Germany but do not know how. Please help me’ I told them after my soup was finished. ‘We shall have to think about that. Until then you cannot leave our fortress’ Chas said. ‘My name is Chas. This is Audrey’ he pointed at the girl. ‘And those four are Nicky, Clogger, Cem and Carrots. I will leave you to guess which one is which’. ‘What are we going to do with him’ Cem said. Cem looked like a lanky boy. Being with the crowd he was with he was more than a lanky boy. As long as this gang were together and as long as they had the machine gun and the fortress it looks like they could do what ever they please. ‘We cannot let him go. He might tell someone about Fortress Capereto’ Carrots continued. ‘But how can we keep him here? What if he outsmarts us? If he catches us off guard who knows what he will do’ Audrey explained. I could tell that her boyish personality was in control now. ‘I shall do nothing of that sort. I am your prisoner now. It is all in the Geneva Convention’ I told them. Little did they know that that was exactly what I was going to do? I had to get rid of Chas and Clogger, without them the group would fall to pieces and then I could do what I want to them. For the next couple of hours I told them about my life. I didn’t tell them too much, just enough to let them know I was a good soldier. I never told them how good I was. I never managed to finish the story of my life, so I told them I’d finish it tomorrow. The little guy, Nicky, was growing on me. Out of all of the kids I met today I liked him best. I didn’t know why but I was starting to feel something for him. Must be because he reminds me so much of Ralph. During the day I found out that he had nearly the same personality as Ralph as well. Over the night I thought over the plan I was going to use to escape. To escape I need to catch the children off guard and make sure they don’t tell anyone about me. That was the obvious thing, but while I was in England I might as well have some fun. If the British managed to take out the best German fighter, (even if they did gang up on me) they could easily wipe all the fighters out. I need to weaken the British army while I’m here. Then I could escape and get back to Germany. ‘If there is one thing that I have learnt out of all this’ I told myself. ‘Is that I am a genius’. It turns out that Clogger and Ralph, I mean Nicky are staying in this fortress with me. I was tired so I then fell asleep on a spare bed (if you would call it a bed) that they gave me. I woke up next morning by the sound of birds. Blast them! Couldn’t they let me have some peace and quiet? Don’t get me wrong I normally wake up early, but with the little sleep I’ve been getting it’s getting hard to stay up. It turns out that everyone was already awake. It also turns out that Chas and the rest of the people who went home yesterday had already turned up. ‘What is the time?’ I asked them. I had gone for a long time without having a proper idea of what the time was. ‘I would also like to know the date it is today’. ‘The time is 11 am and it is 4th January today’ Cem told me. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. It had already been half a month since I took off from Germany. I really hope Ralph is ok. Another thing I can’t believe. How could I not wake up till 11 ‘o’ clock? During the day I carried on telling them my story and after I finished each one of them told me theirs. Clogger was the only one who never told us his life story. He didn’t feel as if he had to. It turns out that Nicky’s parents have all passed away, and that the wrecked home where I was going to make my head quarters was his home before his mother died. Wolf felt so sorry for him. It also turned out that he was apparently ‘dead. During the next month they got to know each other better. Wolf was still looking for the right moment to escape. He was so annoyed that he didn’t have the chance already. The boys were even taking him out now. Having a prisoner cramped in their fortress was not a good thing to do so they decided that they would take him on outings. Places nobody else went so that nobody would see them walking around with a German. Another reason for that was that it would be suspicious for them to see Nicky if he is meant to be dead. One time when Carrots took me out I had my chance to escape, it was then that I realised that it would be better if I stayed with them for the time being. They might somehow get me a boat in the future. If I do escape they have already warned me that they will tell everyone about my existence in England. If they did that I would never be able to leave the country. Carrots and I were separated when this happened. By now I knew my way back to the fortress so I just walked back. I could’ve finished Carrots off but they knew I was with him and then I would be caught and I would never make my way back to Germany. Now they trust me a lot more. I have been living in Garmath for 3 months. They trust me enough to let me go out once a week by my self, but I had to come back by a certain time or they would raise the alarm. I had some respect growing for the kids. They were tough in their own way. Nicky was like a son to me and I was like a father to him. I had even told him about his resemblance to Ralph. He was pleased about that. Clogger still never trusted me. He could see right through me. He knew what my plan was. I had to get rid of him but I still have not had the chance to do that either. When I woke up next day it looked like I could go out by myself today. Clogger was also coming out too, but not with me. Just to make it even better I saw something unguarded. It was something was actually dangerous, my pistol. No one was looking so I quickly snatched it and hid it in my clothing. It was the chance that I was waiting for all this time. I can now get rid of Clogger. This all had to be perfect. I could not do this wrong. If I did I would probably never get another chance again. We left around the same time as each other and we were both heading for the woods in the ground. He was going to the town on the other side of the woods as he was meant to be in Scotland and I was going to the cliffs, which are also in that direction. ‘Hey Clogger, please come over here. I feel sick’ I lied. He was actually falling for it. He was walking closer to me. ‘What’s your problem?’ he asked me. ‘You are’ I replied. I got out my gun and I did it. It was all over in a couple of seconds. He never knew what was coming to him. I decided on burying his body so nobody would ever find him for a long time. I then carried on with my trip to the cliffs. Once I got home everyone was wondering where Clogger was. I told them that I had not seen him. They were all getting worried. Especially Nicky, I had never seen him like this before. ‘I’m sorry Nicky’ I thought to myself. Clogger was like a brother to him. They all stayed at the fortress late but they all had to go, their own loved would be worrying about them now. I was told to keep a good eye on Nicky. Funny how there was a violent storm that night. Actually it wasn’t, Nicky was getting really scared. I had to stay up and comfort him. After all, it was my fault that he is scared and he is like a son to me. Obviously, Clogger never came back. He was gone for good. Chas knew what I did. I could see it in the look in his eyes. What could he say though, his friend had murdered another friend and the only person he could tell was even more friends who wouldn’t believe him if he told them. I had to get rid of Chas. This time for two reasons. As a friend, I should put him out of his misery, and as his enemy, I feel that he must die (he could get in the way of the Nazi cause in the future). I thought that Nicky’s attitude would change but he missed Clogger too much. It had to be done. There was no other alternative for me. Chas remained cold to me. I could tell that the pressure was building up inside of him. He was going to tell someone soon and he had to be dealt with, quick. I really hated taking the lives from children but it had to be done. Chas was as easy to dispose of as Clogger was. I even buried them in the same place and had their own funeral, one that only I attended. There were tears flowing down my eyes, but the only thing that kept me going was the fact that sooner or later, I would go back to Germany. 1/2 a year passed and Nicky and I were more closer to each other than ever. The rest of the gang didn’t come as often now. There was no point. I decided not to kill them in the end. I would not be able to live with myself. I could now do as I please. On one occasion I thought I should warm up before I go to Germany so I broke into a military base. Only a small one; I would have no chance in the bigger ones. Once I got in I decided on what I could do. Why hadn’t I thought of it before? Was I going soft? I stole into the weapons hanger and I found the mother of all weapons. The latest explosives out and they had a lot of them. This is exactly what I needed. I refilled my Lugar wit ammo and I also took some other weapons including grenades. Now how was I to carry all of this? I know, I can ‘borrow’ one of their vans. I got a van and filled her up with even more weapons. Then I drove the van out of the base. The mission wasn’t over yet. I had to lay three explosives in the various buildings. I sprinted towards the buildings and planted them. Once I got back I realised that I only needed to detonate one so that’s what I did. The explosion took out the building and set off the other ones. All three explosions had joined up with each other and were nearly as big as the base. This is what I lived to see, and was trained to do. It was time for me to take off. Mission accomplished. Bruno had been avenged. When I got back I hid the truck out of site from the fortress and the street. No one can know about it. Later that day everybody else came over. I was pleased. I waned to spend some time with my friends. What was even more important was what they had to say. According to them Winston Churchill was going to come to Garmath tomorrow. This was my chance. I could become a hero in Germany when I get back. Everybody was going to see him enter Garmath so I told them that so would I. I also told them that I would stay in the crowed so no one noticed. They were also talking about the base that I took out. Apparently their enemy, Boddser Brown, had a dad who worked there and was on duty at the moment of the explosion. I was busy that night working on my plan. This was probably the most important thing that I have ever done. I could not screw this up. All I have to do is plant a land mine where the car is going to drive over. Once it hits the mine, BANG, and he’s gone. It’s that simple. Little did I know that this was going to be the biggest mistake I have ever made. As usual I woke up before Nicky. I woke him and told him that I was going for a walk and that I would be back in an hour. Then I went to my weapons base and took a mine. This is it, I thought. I am about to become a hero. The man who took out the British single-handed. There was one bad thing I never noticed, Nicky was watching. I quickly ran towards the town hall where Churchill was going. I planted a mine right in his parking space. The crowds were gathering so it was unlikely that I was seen. After that I went home and got Nicky. His face was whiter than usual. ‘Are you ok, son?’ ‘Yeah I’m fine. Let’s go dad’ he replied. Too bad I was too excited. Otherwise I would have known that he knew. ‘There’s Winston Churchill’s car Nicky. Let’s wave and say hi’ I told him. He wasn’t in the mood to. ‘I know dad. Bye bye. I’ll wait for you on the other side’ he told me. What was he doing? S***! He was running towards the mine. It was all over. Nicky died a hero and a martyr, dying to save the country that he lived in. He was always remembered in England. They even named that day after. Wolf was in so much grief. He even handed himself in. Wolf was transported back to Germany. He was dying to see Ralph but when he saw him he grew even sadder. Ralph wanted nothing to do with him. General Wolf Schmidt later died of grief. That was the story of some of the bravest people ever to walk this planet. It is still remembered by all the family and friends of the story. How to cite The Machine Gunners Part Two – Wolf Invasion, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Impact of Consumer Culture on Tim Tam Consumers
Question: Discuss about theImpact of Consumer Culture on Tim Tam Consumers. Answer: Introduction The objective of the paper is to reveal the impact of consumer culture on the consumers of Tim Tam Company. Consumers are deemed causes and purpose for all the purpose and cause based manufacturing and marketing objectives (Edwards, Raggatt and Small 2013). Considering consumer culture, it can be said that Tim Tam totally considers internal impacts of their target market of the young adults along with wellbeings. Tim Tam Company focuses on all the aspects of its target consumer culture in its marketing strategies as consumer culture theory is cantered on psychological aspects of buying (Welford 2016). For this reason, the marketers of Tim Tam focuses majorly on consumer culture through focusing on ways a specific product can change consumers lives. Businesses like Tim Tam can avail benefits from theories of consumer culture marketing through focusing on lifestyle advantages of their offerings along with encouraging them to consider their offerings as key to gain competitive advantage . Social Environment Group and Interpersonal Influence Interpersonal influence in Tim Tam is considered as a change in consumer behaviour because of their transforming feelings; thoughts are communicated to them through several sources. Normative influence is the factor that persuades consumers of Tim Tamm in taking actions that can address their expectations (Ostergaard and Bode 2016). Tim Tam consumers is also observed to have value expressive interpersonal influence that has taken place as its target consumers has distinct norms, values and beliefs that an guide their individual actions. This influence can serve as an effective approach that can be used by Tim Tam Company in marketing their biscuits. Interpersonal influence on consumers regular consumption is observed to majorly impact culture based marketing strategies of Tim Tam (Giorgi, Lockwood and Glynn 2015). It is observed that the consumers purchase decision on a particular biscuit of Tim Tam is totally relied on their interpersonal influences. The purchasers are likely to mak e purchase decision on Tim Tam offers if their influencers shares good experiences with the Tim Tam products. The consumers of Tim Tam intends to gather relevant information n the offerings of Tim Tam from their friend and family for understanding the influencers experiences that influences consumers of the company too make further purchase. Another source of interpersonal influences includes TV, Ad, Radio and Brochures that increases the interest of the buyers (Kipnis, Broderick and Demangeot 2014). Consumer Culture Analysis of Tim Tams target consumer culture facilitates in enhancing consumer buying decision process. With the change of nature within the community such as age, ethnicity, income, demand and geographic location the analysis of consumer culture of Tim Tams target consumer has revealed that in the recent years, consumers are likely to demand for convenience goods that are easy and quick (Vitell and Hunt 2015). Considering the same, the biscuits of Tim Tam are readily assessable and there are several selection and package size. Consumer culture analysis has revealed that consumers prefer highly nutritious offerings of Tim Tam that includes biscuits like SOA crackers are beneficial for elderly society. Moreover, the target consumers of Tim Tam are likely to prefer health and dietary foods as several individuals have health concerns such as obesity. People are impacted by several cultures and demand for selection in flavours and considering the same the biscuits of Tim Tam comes with different flavours (Anning-Dorson 2017). People are deemed to get influenced from distant cultures and there exists demand for selection in favours and considers consuming organic foods as the consumers are aware pesticides and chemicals that impacts ingredients within foods and for this reason Tim Tam is focusing on offering organic biscuits such as vita wheat. Considering consumer culture it has been observed that environment friendly package and the target consumers as people prefer products tends to be increasingly educated on the impacts of environment (Chua, Roth and Lemoine 2015). Micro Cultures Micro culture has a direct impact on the developing marketing and distribution strategies of Tim Tam. The target consumer of the company that is young adult females is focused on their wellbeing. Moreover target consumer group of Tim Tam company such as children is observed to despite for tasty food product (Kovcs, Carroll and Lehman 2013). Micro culture analysis of the targe consumer segment of Tim Tam is conducted through considering their interests, values and attitudes. The sub-groups of the company are observed to be less concerned about the impacts of too much chocolate. Considering the micro-culture of the target sub-group of consumers Tim Tam can be considered as a type of food liked by them and tends to feel excited by the consideration of Tim Tam (Slowikowski and Jarratt 2013). As the consumers are observed to be health conscious and considers consuming healthy and digestive biscuits. Considering such micro culture of its target consumers, Tim Tam has wide distribution network of its healthy biscuits in the grocery stores all over Australia. Considering the micro culture of its target consumers, Tim Tam Company builds the image of their brand of chocolate that attracts attention of children as a premium treat (Solomon 2014). Situation Influences Time Enhancing time pressures on the community is observed to have increased impact on the demand for target consumers based on convenience foods like Tim Tam. The time-poor customers are slowly cutting out home-backed food in the favour of snacking on the go. Certain structural conditions are considered in distribution channels of the Tim Tam Company (Cova, Maclaran and Bradshaw 2013). Based on the "target consumer culture" analysis Tim Tam Company decides on the amount of time that is devoted in choosing a particular product in a given category (Cova, Maclaran and Bradshaw 2013). To increase the availability of its products, the company must ensure customising its certain product ranges through managing its destination time and travel time to all its distribution places. Tim Tam company must make sure that its premium quality food products arrive within all its stores in time and in perfect condition that considers paying more to a dependable distributor (Kovcs, Carroll and Lehman 2013). Place The target consumers of the company gains the Tim Tam companys offerings in all the cities and places within Australia have simple access to the offerings. Tim Tam is observed as among the major shareholders of Australia for many years that have enabled the company in distributing goods to a huge consumer base (Askegaard and Scott 2013). The company distributes its products to all its target consumers up and down the breadth of Australia. The company also has distributors for its products in several locations of the nation. Modern channels of distribution of the companys products are through retail channels and shopping malls. These distribution places are managed directly by the organization (Hernani-Merino, Mazzon and Isabella 2015). The distribution places follows breaking the bulk in which a great fraction of consumers are transformed from factory to store house and ten to distributors and then to the dealers and retailers. It is observed that the place where offerings of Tim Tam Company are distributed to all its target consumers based on their culture. Tim Tam offerings are distributed through retail outlets and through numerous manufacturing units within the nation. The company follows the distribution channel as it appoints distributors at selected locations and it distributes its products through retail outlets in rural area (Pugh 2016). Conditions Tim Tam is required to understand the tastes and preferences of its target consumers based on the market demand. This could be achieved with the help of adequate market research that would reveal the latest trend in the Australian market. In addition, the rapid technological advancements form the key to successful launch of a specific product in the market (Kipnis, Broderick and Demangeot 2014). Therefore, Tim Tam needs to make proper use of technologies like television commercials to appeal to the target market. In addition, the suppliers in Australia play a crucial role in terms of product offering in a specific market. Since the availability of suppliers is high in the market, their bargaining power is intensely low. As a result, it would help Tim Tam to manufacture its products at lower manufacturing cost. Thus, the pricing structure of the biscuits would be low in order to generate the awareness of the target consumers (Harwood and Garry 2016). Finally, the state of economy in Australia is another significant attribute that could have incredible effects on the buying behaviour of the target customers. This is because during economic recession, the revenue margin of some organisations starts to fall, while the same for others increases (Kovcs, Carroll and Lehman 2013). Hence, Tim Tam is required to possess sound knowledge of the economic factors, which could pose both threats and opportunities to the organisation. Recommendations Based on the analysis of impact of culture on Tim Tam consumers it as recommended that the Tim Tam Company must develop effective strategies along with developing priorities for understanding consumer needs based on their culture. Additionally, it must develop strategies as per consumer preferences after realising personal buying decision of consumers. It is vital to realize several aspects related with offerings along with considering personal decision-making. Moreover, on an extended term it is recommended that the produce require considering innovation within product for attracting a large fraction of consumers. Additionally, offering requires being available within all retail outlets to those consumers does not watch products. This can generate market stability for longer duration. Finally, Tim Tam requires running promotional activities for developing promotional activities for attaining attention of great consumer base. The company is recommended to understand the consumer culture that target market is trending towards being consumer friendly and package them in an eco-friendly manner. Consumer culture based recommendation considers that as the target market of Tim Tam consumers are the young generation are social media savvy. Considering such culture, Tim Tam is recommended to initiate an online trend where might consider uploading photos in social media with catchy hash tag. Considering the social environment and situation influences Tim Tam is recommended to be highly careful about their major competitors like Kraft Foods Ltd. For this reason, Tim Tam must always consider continuous process of enhancing product quality along with marketing strategy. The consumers of the company prefers purchasing affordable, it a consider offering lower price for selling more products. Conclusion The objective of the paper was to reveal the impact of consumer culture on the consumers of Tim Tam Company. Tim Tam Company focuses on all the aspects of its target consumer culture in its marketing strategies as consumer culture theory is cantered on psychological aspects of buying. For this reason, the marketers of Tim Tam focuses majorly on consumer culture through focusing on ways a specific product can change consumers lives. Analysis of Tim Tams target consumer culture facilitates in enhancing consumer buying decision process. With the change of nature within the community such as age, ethnicity, income, demand and geographic location the analysis of consumer culture of Tim Tams target consumer has revealed that in the recent years, consumers are likely to demand for convenience goods that are easy and quick. Micro culture analysis of the targe consumer segment of Tim Tam is conducted through considering their interests, values and attitudes. The sub-groups of the company are observed to be less concerned about the impacts of too much chocolate. Considering the micro-culture of the target sub-group of consumers Tim Tam can be considered as a type of food liked by them and tends to feel excited by the consideration of Tim Tam. Reference List Anning-Dorson, T., 2017. Moderation-mediation effect of market demand and organization culture on innovation and performance relationship.Marketing Intelligence Planning,35(2). Askegaard, S. and Scott, L., 2013. Consumer culture theory: The ironies of history. Chua, R.Y., Roth, Y. and Lemoine, J.F., 2015. The impact of culture on creativity: How cultural tightness and cultural distance affect global innovation crowdsourcing work.Administrative Science Quarterly,60(2), pp.189-227. Cova, B., Maclaran, P. and Bradshaw, A., 2013. Rethinking consumer culture theory from the postmodern to the communist horizon.Marketing Theory,13(2), pp.213-225. Edwards, R., Raggatt, P. and Small, N. eds., 2013.The learning society: challenges and trends. Routledge. Giorgi, S., Lockwood, C. and Glynn, M.A., 2015. The many faces of culture: Making sense of 30 years of research on culture in organization studies.The academy of management annals,9(1), pp.1-54. Harwood, T. and Garry, T., 2016. 'Imagineering'consumer behaviour: a proposed methodology for visualizing futures. Academy of Marketing Annual Conference. Hernani-Merino, M., Mazzon, J.A. and Isabella, G., 2015. A model of susceptibility to global consumer culture.Revista Brasileira de Gesto de Negcios,17(57), p.1212. Kipnis, E., Broderick, A.J. and Demangeot, C., 2014. Consumer multiculturation: consequences of multi-cultural identification for brand knowledge.Consumption Markets Culture,17(3), pp.231-253. Kovcs, B., Carroll, G.R. and Lehman, D.W., 2013. Authenticity and consumer value ratings: Empirical tests from the restaurant domain.Organization science,25(2), pp.458-478. Ostergaard, P. and Bode, M., 2016. Is Consumer Culture Theory research or realpolitik? A sociology of knowledge analysis of a scientific culture.Journal of Consumer Behaviour,15(5), pp.387-395. Pugh, A.J., 2016. Accepting and Resisting Insecurity: Using Consumer Culture to Have it Both Ways?.Being Human in a Consumer Society, p.87. Slowikowski, S. and Jarratt, D.G., 2013. The impact of culture on the adoption of high technology products.Marketing Intelligence Planning. Solomon, M.R., 2014.Consumer behavior: Buying, having, and being(Vol. 10). Engelwood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Vitell, S.J. and Hunt, S.D., 2015. 2. the general theory of marketing ethics: the consumer ethics and intentions issues.Handbook on Ethics and Marketing, p.15. Welford, R. ed., 2016.Corporate Environmental Management 2: Culture and Organization. Routledge.
Friday, November 29, 2019
A Deeper Darkness - Edgar Allen Poe essays
A Deeper Darkness - Edgar Allen Poe essays Edgar Allan Poe is considered to be one of the most influential short story authors of mystery, suspense, and the supernatural. His usage of literary techniques compels his reader to finish his tales at one sitting. It is believed that Poes usage of first-person narrative in his short stories enhances an underlying emphasis on the mysteries of the self, of others, of nature, ad of the universe through the narrators observations. Much of Poes works were used to undercut the easy optimism and certainty characteristic popular to his time because of his usage of the darker aspect of life and living. His works carry within them multiple senses of depths. Not merely representing the physical, his tales also have metaphorical depths of mystery, of uncertainty, of the Unknown. In most of Poes writings his sense of style and influential views are present through the uniqueness of his works. Regarded as the architect of the modern horror tales, Poe was also the principle forerunner of the art for arts sake movement in nineteenth-century European literature (Poe Intro., 2749). He is also credited with parenting two other popular genres: science fiction and the detective story (Keller, 1898). He demonstrates a brilliant command of language and technique as well as an inspired and original imagination (Poe Intro., 2749). Throughout his writing career Poe included personal experiences in his writing from his war with alcoholism to the death of young wife. The traumas and bizarreness of his life also give his writings an extra flare of suspense and the element to spark emotion in the reader. However, such traumas as losing his family to tuberculosis seemed to enthrall him into the arms of death. Thus, when observing details in his poetry and stories, the essen ce of tuberculosis symptoms are revealed. His pessimist outlook of life lies within the symbols of darkness an...
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Essays on Ravers
Background Name of culture, country: Our project is on a sub-culture group called Ravers. The dictionary defines the word â€Å"rave†as a gathering or party where people, mostly teenagers and twenty some-things, come together to listen to music and dance. Ravers aren’t from any one country in particular. However the first modern raves started in and around London in the late 1980’s. Since then they have grown throughout Europe, United States, Canada, and Japan. Raves are now held in pretty much every city or town, whether it be heavily populated or in the middle of cornfields. Geographic location, climate: As mentioned above, geographic location varies. Raves are held in just about every major city in the United States especially in California, New York, and Florida, as well as Canada, UK, and Japan. Raves are usually held in an abandoned warehouse, a club, a beach, a field, an aircraft hangar or a sports arena. Pretty much anywhere you could fit a massive sound system and a lot of people. Climate varies in all of these locations because they are spread all across the world. Depending on the time of year, climate will vary from location to location. Economy: Ravers don’t really have a set economic system because it is a sub-culture. You don’t have to be poor or rich to be a raver. Raves attract all kinds of people. They can cost anywhere from $5 - $50. Usually the number of people at a rave is unimportant, it can range from 50 people to 25,000 people. The cost of attendance is unimportant too because there are some good raves and some bad raves at both cost spectrums. It has been said that the higher the price is, the more commercial the even and lower the quality. Government/Political Factors: There is no one set government for ravers. The people in charge of raves are most often ravers themselves or ex-ravers. They are given the tile called promoters. However, there are three different types of r... Free Essays on Ravers Free Essays on Ravers Background Name of culture, country: Our project is on a sub-culture group called Ravers. The dictionary defines the word â€Å"rave†as a gathering or party where people, mostly teenagers and twenty some-things, come together to listen to music and dance. Ravers aren’t from any one country in particular. However the first modern raves started in and around London in the late 1980’s. Since then they have grown throughout Europe, United States, Canada, and Japan. Raves are now held in pretty much every city or town, whether it be heavily populated or in the middle of cornfields. Geographic location, climate: As mentioned above, geographic location varies. Raves are held in just about every major city in the United States especially in California, New York, and Florida, as well as Canada, UK, and Japan. Raves are usually held in an abandoned warehouse, a club, a beach, a field, an aircraft hangar or a sports arena. Pretty much anywhere you could fit a massive sound system and a lot of people. Climate varies in all of these locations because they are spread all across the world. Depending on the time of year, climate will vary from location to location. Economy: Ravers don’t really have a set economic system because it is a sub-culture. You don’t have to be poor or rich to be a raver. Raves attract all kinds of people. They can cost anywhere from $5 - $50. Usually the number of people at a rave is unimportant, it can range from 50 people to 25,000 people. The cost of attendance is unimportant too because there are some good raves and some bad raves at both cost spectrums. It has been said that the higher the price is, the more commercial the even and lower the quality. Government/Political Factors: There is no one set government for ravers. The people in charge of raves are most often ravers themselves or ex-ravers. They are given the tile called promoters. However, there are three different types of r... Free Essays on Ravers Degeneration X: The Artifacts and Lexicon of the Rave Subculture The dizzying laser lights flashed in synchronicity with the pulsating bass of the music that bounced off the psychedelic warehouse walls. As my boyfriend and I mentally attempted to organize the chaos surrounding us, we pushed our way through the crowd of spasmodic lunatics who contorted their bodies in time with the music and lights. We located a couch in a room covered with cartoonesque, hyper-graphic graffiti. An androgynous man sat himself at my feet and began massaging my thighs, while a girl with her eyes rolled back into her head demanded that my boyfriend give her a massage. Just then the deejay laid his head in my lap, told me he was in love with me, and placed a bitter pill on my tongue. This certainly was the most bizarre method of earning three graduate credit hours I could imagine. So began my two-year ethnography on the American rave subculture. The scene described above was my initiation into the underground subculture where rave kids, typically under twenty-one years old, are given secret invitations to attend private warehouse parties with dancing, drugs, and thousands of their closest friends. Because of my youthful and unorthodox appearance, I was invited to join the then-highly-exclusive underground scene and attended numerous raves in several major cities in North Carolina. Although my chosen subculture was not typically examined by academia, I conducted an academic ethnography of what Maton (1993) describes as a "group whose world views, values and practices diverge from mainstream North American and social science cultures" (747). As a result, I received three graduate credit hours for "supervised research in ethnography" and conducted what may be the only academic ethnography on raves. The American rave subculture is an alternative, underground nightclub movement promoting techno music, synthetic drugs, and teen angst: the discos of the 1990s....
Friday, November 22, 2019
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - Essay Example All of the above generates quite a challenge, given that many adult ADHD patients are self-diagnosed when they first seek clinical help. In addition to this physicians, psychiatrists and clinicians are often unfamiliar with the subtleties of adult presentations of a classically childhood disorder. In general sense ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is nothing more than parents or others seeking a medical explanation for behavior they cannot manage to control (Nigel et al, 2001:2.18). This is one of the biggest reason why ADHD is underestimated or a hidden problem in Adults. Occasionally, we may all have difficulty sitting still, paying attention or controlling impulsive behavior. For some people, the problem is so pervasive and persistent that it interferes with their daily life, including home, academic, social and work settings. Medical science first documented children exhibiting inattentiveness, impulsivity and hyperactivity in 1902. Since that time, the disorder has been given numerous names, including Minimal Brain Dysfunction, Hyper-kinetic Reaction of Childhood, and Attention-Deficit Disorder With or Without Hyperactivity. In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 4th Edition (DSM-IV from the American Psychiatric Association, 1994) classification system, the disorder has been renamed to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ... Since that time, the disorder has been given numerous names, including Minimal Brain Dysfunction, Hyper-kinetic Reaction of Childhood, and Attention-Deficit Disorder With or Without Hyperactivity. In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, 4th Edition (DSM-IV from the American Psychiatric Association, 1994) classification system, the disorder has been renamed to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Here ADHD is described within two clusters of symptoms: inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity. Each of this two areas, inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity, are composed of nine different symptoms. These symptoms are listed in Attachment II. Beside these symptoms there needs to be clear evidence of significant impairment in the functioning of the person. Problems also have to persist for a minimum of half a year, and the first signs should be ascertained before the age of seven. Finally one must not be able to explain the symptoms by other diagnoses. Additional impairment has to be present in several situations in the person's life. As people can show symptoms from both areas, three subtypes define ADHD: 1. Combined Type This is the most common type, and means the person has six or more symptoms in each category 2. Predominantly Inattentive Type This means the person has six or more inattention symptoms but fewer than six hyperactivity symptoms. 3. Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type This is the least common type and means that the person has six or more hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms but fewer than six inattention symptoms. Origin It is generally agreed upon that ADHD develops most common in early youth. There has long been debate over the direction of causation
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
All the Pros and positive aspects about the US legal system Essay
All the Pros and positive aspects about the US legal system - Essay Example However, there is more in law, for laws to be effective, the sovereign command must maintain the rule of power and its principles or directives that are applicable; moreover, they must apply equal magnitude to all citizens in the state. Furthermore, they should be accepted as laws which are legitimate rational, just and fair to all citizens. Legal systems on the other hand refer to systems that interpret as well as enforce laws. This paper will look at the positive aspects of the US legal systems. A medical legal aspect of medical records is an example of the US aspects of legal system. Records of care are provided to patients, the same records are used by the US legal processes, and they are used as relevant eyewitness in case of need. Here, the records are used to attest their reliability and veracity. The American legal system has rules that observe the records so that they are unimpeachable. The most relevant role of the records is that they give information about the patient to the healthcare team; the main goal is to ensure that the medical team offers safety and competent care to the American citizens (Lyer, Levin and Shea, 4). The US has indeed ensured that its citizens access medical care without difficulties, as a result, most illness have been eradicated in the US. The US has great legal systems and they are relevant in influencing the correction in the state. The legal aspect that involves correction management is present in the US legal system. This has been directly been impacted by the court ruling to ensure that US has correction facilities. In addition, there is change in the way they managers have been thinking about how they make their decision on small and great matters. These are in line with the way managers set their priorities in the manner in which they operate their institution as well as the community programs in the US. Administrators involved with correction issues are expected to take legal systems into account. It therefore means that the US academic studies as well as the daily activity of the correction officers are available in the US legal system (Pearlman, 3-4). The main goal of the US judicial system is to offer justice, solve disputes and interpret laws within the state. The positive part of the sophisticated judicial system in the US is its design; it is designed in a manner that it can be able to cover extremely large countries. In the US state for instance, it has hundreds of millions citizens, so having a system of court that can be applied to such a high population in provision of justice is indeed a success. The system has been designed to offer trials that are fair if one is accused of a certain crime. In addition, citizens have been given a chance to file lawsuits if they are treated wrongly in line with the laws of the country. In the US legal system on the other hand, victims of crimes have their right to defend themselves if accused or hire an individual to defend them before the jury or a judge. Judges are individual who determine if the accused is guilty based on the laws interpretations. Furthermore, the US court system is extensive and it extends to different court types, making it to be more effective compare to other legal system across the globe. For example, the US federal court system has been appointed to deal with matters of federal laws. In addition, America is
Monday, November 18, 2019
Science tells us the truth about reality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Science tells us the truth about reality - Essay Example The results will therefore explain real behavior of the studied objects and communicate the truth that is observed. Scientific information can also be gathered from people’s opinions and perceptions on reality. Information that is developed from these approaches represents truth because they rely on people’s experiences or rationale from observations. Collecting data on people’s experiences, for example, develops information from people’s real life experiences. It therefore communicates the truth to the extent that the source narrated the truth. Other methods for developing scientific information such as making direct observation or analyzing secondary sources of information also support the position that science tells the truth about nature. This is because the methods are accurate and consistent (Cottrell and McKenzie 194- 196, 230- 234). These mean that science based information is derived from real life experiences and is therefore reflective of the tr uth about the reality that develops it. There are however arguments that science does not tell the truth about nature. The fact that some theories are not developed from actual data means that the theories cannot be proved using real life issues. The theories may therefore lack accuracy and consistency in what they say about reality. Inaccuracy of what science says in the theories may mean that science is not saying the truth. Scientific information may also be true in one area but it may be false in another area because of inconsistency (Cottrell and McKenzie 13). Existence of factors and happenings that science cannot explain also means that science may not be telling us the truth about reality. Logics and mathematical positions are examples of truths that science does not explain. Science only offers assumptions on the positions. Many other scientific positions are based on assumptions that cannot be
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Human Resource Management in a Global Company
Human Resource Management in a Global Company First Chapter Introduction Groups of people see the world through their own set of assumptions, attitudes, beliefs, and values. Learn about their culture and how it formed them, and aim to understand how other culture work so that everyone can be an effective global manager. Organization from every part of the world is reaching out beyond their domestic markets to become international players. Not only is this very challenging on the business them, but it also creates a challenge for individual managers who must cope with working across geographic and cultural borders. Managing globally provides clear systems and approaches to help manage global networks and teams, and it examines the skills needed for dealing with different cultures. It teaches how to succeed in this new world. This is widely recognised that an organisational diversity is obvious and necessary nowadays because of increasing pace of economic and technological development. Organisations need to be flexible if they seek to remain competitive and want to survive in a long run. This research explores the phenomenon of diversity in one of UK’s leading super market named Sainsbury’s (London Colney). The researcher intends to examine what the policy to work with different culture people and how management manage working with diversity people in workplace in the store in last two years I have seen. 1.1 What we think about culture: Hofstede, (1991) defined culture as ‘the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one category from another’. It’s about share your beliefs, values, expectations of a particular group of people and differentiates them from a member of other groups. It can be found at many different levels. Each cultural world operates according to its own internal dynamic, principles and its own laws. As individuals, we generally only become aware of our own culture when confronted by others. Cultural differences are significant differences which have been identified across countries based on observed cultural dimensions. 1.2 Why culture consider in a multinational company: Multinational companies are completely different from export-based firms not least because of their foreign subsidiaries. Not only does physical distance pose a challenge for effective communication, but also there is the challenge represented by cultural differences. Some MNCs have regarded cultural differences as so important that they have chosen to operate as multi-domestics with decision-making, management style and product development. The attitude is that people in the subsidiaries know best and should be allowed to go their own ways. For example, the attitudes in the Dutch electronics firm Philips for most of the previous century. The downside of this approach is the fiefdom and ‘not-invented-here’ mentality, which resulted in Philips’ North American subsidiary refusing to adopt the Philips video recorder (V2000) and opting instead for the rival Japanese model. However, many MNCs, including Philips since 1987, require a much greater degree of coordination, particularly in regard to learning. To do so, these firms must develop common practices and common values. If foreign subsidiaries are to be integrated for knowledge-sharing purposes, a starting point is an understanding of the mindsets of subsidiary management and employees in terms of their work-related values. The management challenge for many MNCs is to be able to adapt their organizations to culturally distinct environments without losing organizational stability. 1.3 About an organisation: Sainsbury’s is one of the leading retail super markets with approximately 792 stores all over the UK. There are some others supermarkets (Tesco, ASDA, Iceland and Somerfield) in UK which are the competitors of Sainsbury’s. All of them are trying their best to provide good services to their customers and working under diversity workplace. For the present research the researcher has taken Sainsbury’s London Colney to study about diversity. There were many reasons to select Sainsbury’s London Colney for this research. One of the reasons was that this is a big store with 350 employees working in different shifts (morning, evening, day, night and some are working as seasonal employees). The management of this store comprises on around 20 to 30 people. This is a 24 hours store, located in the retail park and is very busy because of its location and also because this is close to M25 and people can get everything from the same store and also there is some other shop near to Sainsbury’s like M S, Next, Boots and so on. The second reason to select this store as a case study was that the researcher is working in this store in its customer services and checkouts department so the researcher as a participant has enough experience to work with different culture people in the store in the last two years. The sample size of this research (which includes on management and employees) was also easily approachable to get the relevant data. The researcher was quite hopeful that management and employees will cooperate with him for collecting data. 1.3.1 Company policy and commitment to colleagues: There is much legislation surrounding the area of diversity and at the same time this provides a minimum standard for this policy, it is the company’s intention to move beyond simple legal compliance where appropriate. This policy exists to enable a working environment in which everyone feels valued and respected in everything that they do. Innovative thinking and different ideas are critical to Sainsbury’s success and their ability to develop new ways of adding value for their customers will be greatly enhanced by the diversity of experiences and perspectives amongst their colleagues. Their ability to attract and retain the highest ability of colleagues from the widest community is essential in sustaining a leadership position. The aim of the company is that all colleagues will be able to work in a diversity environment, where they will be free from discrimination. They are managing their colleagues under the principles of fairness and objectivity, which is integrated into all of the ways. According to Sainsbury’s policy, they will not accept or ignore unfair decisions, practices or requirements that qualify or exclude an individual from meeting essential employment requirements. They include, but are not limited to, a person’s age, race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion. The equal of men and women are monitored and action taken where necessary and appropriate to ensure parity. In line with their flexible working policy, they will make it possible for colleagues to achieve a balance between their work and home commitments. They will ensure that the opportunities presented through diversity will be integrated into the development of new products and services that add value for their customers. The performance and effectiveness of Sainsbury’s diversity commitment and demographic colleague make-up of their stores are continuously reviewed and where improvement is identified, action has been taken. Any breaches of this policy have been treated seriously and also dealt with under their disciplinary policy. 1.4 Background/Current situation: As we know, now a day’s diversity is a one of the inclusive concepts and based on valuing everyone as a unique individual and celebrating this difference. The management of diversity is about individuals. The management of diversity goes beyond equal opportunities, instead of simply allowing a greater range of people getting more opportunity. The concept of diversity embodies the belief that people should be valued for their difference and variety. Diversity is supposed to enrich an organizations human capital, whereas equal opportunity focuses on various ethnic groups. As I said before that researcher is working in Sainsbury’s (London Colney) and have seen lots of differences about diversity. There are most of the people from Asian ethnic. But we have some Irish, African, Chinese and British as well. As I work in this store I have found some favour for same ethnic group. And for that other ethnic became sometime very aggressive. And from management level, there is also some gender valuing problem. We have seen lots of female managers rather then males. But other, like they don’t differentiate between ages, disabilities, colours and so on. So far you can say, they follow the procedures and that’s why they are success in business now a days. My research is about how they manage, and do they really follow the diversity policies? So, I intend to demonstrate, how a human resource manager can manage all those area and successfully complete company’s mission with different people. All overall, a self assessment for international human resource managers to evaluate and improve their global management skills. 1.5 Aims/Objectives: The primary aim of the research is therefore: To examine diversity, equality and discrimination issues in a multinational company, in particular, the way of HR managers to manage work with different culture people. The research objectives are: To determine what’s the company policy about diversity to manage work with different culture people and to become a successful global manager, aim to develop a global outlook. To outline the development of approaches to organizational analysis. To explore a multicultural company from the perspectives of diverse social groups. An international human resource manager needs to know the way of managing people in twenty first century. We are going to take an overview of what a manager needs to do in relations to managing people in a changing environment. I will be looking at: Diversity issues. International Human Resource Management policies. Managing people in a practical way. To examine the way of recruiting, and selecting the right people. As a human resource manager, we are likely to manage other people on a one- to-one basis. This involves understanding people as individuals and recognizing their differences as well as drawing up some general principles for managing them like motivates them, job satisfaction, and job design. Having accepted that there is a range of reasons why people behave differently in a work situation and that cannot make wild and generalized assumptions about any individual’s reasons for performing better or worse than average, we will recognize that when we put individuals together into a group, the behavior of that group is likely to be changeable. So it is important that they understand about the behavior of groups. So, all overall I will be going through with literature review to practical experiences to find my research project. Second Chapter Literature Review Everyone is different in age, gender, nationality, and ways of thinking. These differences are a source of strength. The concept of diversity means respect and acceptance. It means understanding each individual is unique and recognizing our individual’s differences. It can be the aspects of race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political views and so on. It is exploration of these differences in a safe positive and development environment. Diversity is about creating an all-inclusive work environment that values and benefits from different human attributes, experiences, and skills at all levels and enables all employees to develop and contribute to their full potential. It is about understanding each other and moving beyond simple acceptance to implementation and celebrating the rich dimensions of diversity contained within each individual. Diversity and equality has become a key driving force in government policies. The concepts of diversity and equality are common but still there are some differences. Diversity is the acknowledgement and respect of differences within and between groups of people. And equality is the framework that enables access, participation, opportunities and contribution that is fair and inclusive. According to Lew Platt (1993-1995) â€Å"I believe the word â€Å"diverse†includes not only different genders and races, but also different cultures, lifestyle and ways of thinking†. 2.1 Diversity Management at work: The concepts of workplace diversity include the principles of equal employment opportunity. Equal employment opportunity policies address continued disadvantages experienced by particular groups of people in the workplace, including people with disabilities and those who mistreated by co-workers on the basis of race or ethnicity. These policies remain an important foundation for workplace diversity policy. Diversity management involves systematic and planned programs or procedures that are considered to improve interaction among diverse people, especially people of different ethnicities, sexes, or cultures. And to make this diversity, a source of inspiration, complementarities, and greater organizational effectiveness should be provided rather than a source of tension, conflict, miscommunication, or limitation on the effectiveness. 2.2 Diversity Approaches: The issues that diversity representatives focus on vary by country. In some countries, the question of language is important, some countries depends on ethnic group, or may be depend on ages. ‘Managing Diversity’ is a term that entered UK debates on equality approaches in the mid-1990s. While it is becoming increasingly common in the UK, there is still disagreement about its meaning and the extent to which it differs from previous approaches. One of the things which do seem to be distinct is the way these approaches deal with differences between employees. The traditional approach to equal opportunities seeks to treat everyone the same. Managing diversity approaches recognises that employees are different and suggest that workplace can get benefit from those differences. What this means for organizations is that they need to adapt to employee characteristics rather than simply expecting from employees to fit with pre-existing policies. The more fundamental alternative would be to restructure the way work is carried out so that everyone can be flexible for that. Another example would be the approach taken to ensuring that appraisal was carried out in a fair manner. A diversity approach would take a more radical look at what types of behaviour and activity are valued by the organization to see whether these are more commonly practised by members of one group rather than another. Business case arguments for diversity share many elements with equal opportunities approaches but they tend to stress additional arguments. These have included claims that diverse teams are more innovative than ones composed of homogeneous individuals and that non-traditional workers can reflect the needs of a wider customer base. Diversity approaches also place a strong emphasis on creating a culture within which everyone feels they belong and are empowered to reach their full potential. One aspect of this inclusiveness is an attempt to find policies which seem equally relevant to all employees. The second alternative is seen as the more radical approach. It argues that there are multiple sources of difference which are as important as those based on gender or ethnicity. People are not defined by whether they are from European or Asian background but instead vary along a numerous of dimensions including personalities and tastes. This approach to managing diversity is strongly focused on individuals as the objects of equality policy and as such is in line with wider trends to individualise employee relations. 2.3 Managing people: Management is often defining as â€Å"getting things done through people†Michael Armstrong (1998). By definition, managers cannot do everything themselves. They have to rely on other people. Managers are sometimes said to spend their time planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling. In practice, the work of managers is quite fragmented. It depends demand on the situation and on the people concerned than on any academic division of the task into clearly differentiated elements. Managers dealing with people: internally with their bosses, their colleagues and their staff; externally with their customers, suppliers, professional advisers and national and local government officials. A leading writer on management, Henry Mintzberg has suggested that managers have: Interpersonal roles: acting as a leader, providing guidance and motivation and maintaining a web of relationship with many individuals and groups. Informational roles: continually seeking and receiving information as a basis for action, passing on factual information, and transmitting guidance to subordinates in making decision. Resource allocation roles: making choices about scheduling their own time, allocating task to people and authorizing actions. Disturbance handling roles: dealing with involuntary situations and change beyond their control. The human resources of an organization consist of all people who perform its activities. In a sense, all decisions that affect the workforce concern the organization’s HRM function. Human resource management concerns the personnel policies and managerial practices and system that influence the workforce. Regardless of the size-or existence-of a formal HRM or personnel department (many small businesses have no HRM department). So as an example, line managers will spend more than 50% of their time involved in human resource activities such as hiring, evaluating, disciplining and scheduling employees. But the jobs are not done yet. As a manager they need to look after employees’ performance. On the based of performance they need to motivate them, understand them and evaluating them. 2.4 Key concepts for Global Managers: The following concepts contain the underlying message of this article. These concepts have direct relevance to the effectiveness of global managers. An understanding and utilization of these concepts are critical to one’s successful global performance. Global leadership- being competent of operating effectively in a global environment and respectful of cultural diversity. This is an individual who can manage accelerating change and differences. The global leader is open and flexible in approaching others can cope with situations and willing to re-examine and alter personal attitudes and perceptions. Cross cultural communication- recognizing what is involved in one’s image of self and one’s role, values, standards, values, and expectations, which are culturally circumstance. Such a person understands the impact of cultural factors on communication. Most of the people are aware of verbal and non- verbal differences in communication with persons from another culture. Not only does such a person seek to learn another language, but also they are aware that, even when people speak the same language, cultural differences can alter communication symbols and meanings and result in misunderstanding. Cultural sensitivity- a person understands the cultural influences on behaviour. This individual behaviour translates such cultural awareness into effective relationships with those who are different. Acculturation- effectively adjusting and adapting to a specific culture, whether that be a subculture within one’s own country or abroad. Such a person knows the impact of culture shock in successfully managing transitions. Therefore, when dealing with employees from diverse cultural backgrounds, this person develops the necessary skills and avoids being ethnocentric. Cultural influences on management- understanding that management philosophies are deeply rooted in culture and that management practices developed in one culture may not easily transfer to another. Effective intercultural performance- applying cultural theory and policies to specific cross-cultural situations that affect people’s performance on jobs. Changing international business- coping with interdependence of business activity throughout the world as well as the subculture of the managerial group. The global manager appreciates the effect of cultural differences on standard business practices and principles, such as organisational loyalty. Cultural synergy- building on the very differences in the world’s people for mutual growth and accomplishment by co-operation. Cultural synergy through collaboration emphasizes similarities and common concerns and integrates differences to enrich human activities and systems. Work culture- applying the general characteristics of culture that how people work at a point in time and place. In the macro sense, work can be analysed in terms of human stages of development. In the micro sense, work culture can be studied in terms of specific industries, organizations or professional groups. Global culture- understanding that, while various characteristics of human culture have always been universal, a unique global culture with some common characteristics might be emerging. Global managers are alert to serving this commonality in human needs and markets with strategies that are transnational. 2.5 Construct area of diversity: Diversity is â€Å"the representation, in one social system, of people with distinctly different group affiliations of cultural significance†Cox (1993). Deresky (1994) also highlighted that, the differences between group members illustrated in terms of the extent such as culture, age, race, sexual orientations, gender and ethnic. There are three characteristics of construct area of diversity, which are classified employees differences. These are Demographic, organisational and socio-cognitive diversity. Demographic diversity: According to Jackson et al (1995), diversity such as ethnicity, age, nationality and gender those are considered visible attributes that can be easily characterised in particular individuals. Organisational diversity: The second category is organisational diversity. It may include: a) Staff job security in the firm. b) Work or professional experience. c) Occupation, functional or job portfolios of the employees such as marketing, production, and finance. Socio-cognitive diversity: The last category is socio-cognitive diversity, which includes cultural and religious values, knowledge level, beliefs and personalities characteristics. By establishing and organising the staff according to their distinctive attributes, it will facilitate business managers to have a more objective understanding and appreciation of their diverse staff’s behaviours, attitudes and values, given the implications for interpersonal and organisational processes and outcomes when staff members work together. As peoples values and beliefs vary individually as a result of their socio-cultural differences, this will affect organisational processes and configurations. For examples:- cross-cultural communication, management-subordinate relationships, international team management, leadership and decision-making styles, staff motivations, staff recruitment, selections and development, and other managerial functions. Apart from the jobs, employees also have differences based on their position within society. Whether an employee a man or women, from a particular ethnic group, is of a particular sexual orientations, has a disability may affect what they want from employment and what are able to offer. Some of these differences may also affect people’s access to jobs and their progress within organisations. 2.6 Discrepancies between academic research and HRM practice: While HRM executives and managers are more educated and professional than in the days when they were in charge of personnel, the level of knowledge in practicing HRM in another part. Many companies hire MBAs for HRM jobs when not even a single HRM course is required in the typical curriculum for an MBA. Recruitment: As an Academic research finding, quantitative analysis of recruitment sources using yield ratios can facilitate in recruitment. On the other hand HRM practices, less than 10% calculate yield ratios and less than 25% know how. Staffing: According to academic research findings, realistic job previews can reduce turnover and weighted application blanks reduce turnover. Alternatively, HRM practices, less than 20% of companies use RJPs in high-turnover jobs and less than 30%. Performance appraisal: According to academic research findings, do not use traits on rating forms, make appraisal process important element of manager’s job. On the other hand, more than 70% still use traits, less than 35% of managers are evaluated on performance appraisal. 2.7 International HRM: Domestic HRM is involved with employees within only one national boundary. And we define the field of IHRM broadly to cover all issues related to the management of people in an international context. Hence our definition of IHRM covers a wide range of human resource issues facings MNCs in different parts of their organisations. Additionally, we include comparative analyzes of HRM in different countries. The complexity of international HR can be attributed to six factors: More HR activities. The need for a broader perspective. More involvement in employee’s personal lives. Changes in emphasis as the workplace mix of expatriates and a local varies. Risk exposure. Broader external influences. In addition to complexity, there are four other variables that moderate differences between domestic and international HRM. These four additional moderators are: The cultural environment. The industry with which the multinational is primarily involved. The extent of reliance of the multinational on its home-country domestic market. The attitudes of senior management. 2.8 International HR policy: In spite of the corporate business strategy unique to each company that they will drive the specifies of an international human resource policy, there are certain objectives that any effective IHR policy should aim to accomplish. And these objectives are: The policy should attract and motivate employees to accept international assignment. It should provide competitive pay plans to ensure the assignee can maintain his or her accustomed lifestyle. It should promote career succession planning and include guideline on repatriation and additional overseas assignment. It should facilitate relocation between home and host location. And finally, it should be cost-effective, understanding and easy to administer. To meet these objectives, we must have internal and external programs functioning to handle the following six areas. In addition to the required technical and business skills, key traits to consider include: cultural sensitivity, interpersonal skills, and flexibility. Document and formally communicate the assignee’s specific job requirements and associated pay in an assignment letter. Identify the compensation, benefits and tax approach that meets company objectives. Some common approaches to pay include: home balance sheet, destination-based, net-to-net, flexible. Assist the assignee with disposition or management of home and automobiles, shipment and storage of household goods, work permits and pre-assignment visits. Provide cultural orientation, language training, spousal support, education assistance, home leave, and emergency provisions. As the average cost of sending an expert on an overseas assignment is between three and five times the employee’s pre-departure salary, quantifying total costs for a global assignment is essential in the budgeting process. 2.9 Integrated HR systems to develop global leaders: Companies with global human resource information systems are likely to be far better positioned to succeed in the highly competitive international market. Multinational companies often discover that, especially in newly emerging markets, local management talent is rarely available to establish and build operations. Consequently, many companies conclude that the only way to start doing business in these markets is to relocate experienced managers from around the globe. Companies doing work in the international marketplace have discovered that providing pre-departure screening and orientation is essential to achieving the highest rates of success. A human resource information system might include data on the potential training needs and past technical and cross-cultural experiences. Having such data would enhance the probability not only of selecting the best candidates, but also chances for success on the assignment, as a result having a great impact on the future development of global leaders. Because most multinational companies now require international experience in order to move up the corporate hierarchy, tracking information related to international assignment can make a important contribution to management development. 2.10 Diversity in multinational companies: The rise of multinational companies and increased global diversification by even small companies has resulted in people of diverse background and cultures working together in the same office or for the same organization. Conflict in such situations is expected, but understanding the diversity issues can help to minimize the conflict and take benefits from diversity group of people brings to an organisations. To understanding how diversity is manage in multinational organizations, try to understand the concept of corporate culture, which defines organisational diversity programs and their use to minimize conflict among employees. Companies and countries can no longer operate as if the rest of the world did not exit. New trading blocs, based on regional, not national, interests have formed with the European Economic Community and the North America Free Trade Agreement. There will be increased pressure influenced by the country culture. For examples, some corporate cultures may encourage women and men gathering together socially after work while country culture would prohibit this. A female executive from the USA might well have difficulty adapting to the rituals of her own company in a foreign country, particularly when the country culture differs greatly from the American cultures. In the case of working mothers, it is usually the woman who is responsible for picking children up from childcare (Deal Kennedy, (1982, p. 80). 2.11 Understanding crosses cultural communication: Some cultures communicate most readily via written messages, while others prefer talking. To relate successfully, understand what communication is, how it works, and how to tailor it to the cultural context into which it will be received. When we â€Å"deliver†a message. We assume that we have â€Å"communicated†. But it is often the case that what has been said is not the same as what has been heard. Although the communication may feel in control, it is the receiver who determines whether communication takes place. The outcome of successful communication is agreement about meaning. This can be difficult to achieve in cross-cultural communication where some degree of misunderstanding is expected. In relationship-focused cultures, such as those in Asia, words only convey a small part of the message; the l
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